Balance and maintain the natural Vortex Energy Polaritiy Centers® of your energy field.
When the body’s system is exposed to EMF, the polarities can become altered or reversed, lowering the immune system to invite sickness and/or disease. Pulsor® Re-establishes and maintains the proper rotation and function of the Vortex Energy Polarity Centers of the body. Alternative devices might offer temporary relief but may not support clearing your proper Vortex Energy Polarity Centers®. Pulsor® protects the integrity of the human energy field to calm your mind and emotions and experience more profound relaxation and meditation. It releases the energy blockages held in your physical body and psyche to maintain balance and composure throughout your day. After balancing your Vortex Energy Polarity Centers, wear Pulsor® to maintain your Vortex Energy Polarity Centers to help your body’s system properly function naturally.
Recreate your home environment as a genuinely nurturing, healing space to improve your health and your family.
Pulsor® can be utilized to stabilize and balance the energy fields not just of living things but of the environment and electrical equipment. Using Pulsor® technology within your surroundings can neutralize the negative effects of electrical devices and geopathic fields. Protect yourself from the disorienting effects of various energy fields with which you come into contact – electrical, EMF, and subtle. Install Pulsor® and change your workplace and home environment from tension and stress to increase your mental focus, concentration, creative productivity, and harmony.

Adding a modality that supports and enhances your current practice will increase the effectiveness of your work with your clients.
Therapeutic use of Pulsor® allows brain wave patterns to quickly shift into alpha, theta, and even delta, enabling deeper states of calm and physical well-being. Pulsor® will only increase the effectiveness of complementary medicine and other modalities such as acupuncture, Chiropractic, massage, Reiki, and more. For Feng Shui Practitioners, Pulsor® provides a tool to balance the intractable geopathic and EMF stressors. Many Feng Shui practitioners find Pulsor® to be an invaluable tool in their practice.
Protect your energy with Pulsor® and balance your Vortex Energy Polarity Centers®
For the Practitioner, Pulsor® is a reliable support system. It provides an energetic shield, protecting you from energy transference and the contamination of your personal energy field. By neutralizing harmful frequencies and preventing them from disrupting your energy field, Pulsor® allows your natural vital force to manifest, while also protecting you from the energetic drain felt after working with clients.

"Using my Acu-Pulsor® in combination with my Pulsor® Infra Card, I have been able to remove energies from my body causing jaw pain, headache, dental pain, eye strain, as well as to remove general anxiety, speediness, and generalized malaise due to EMF, computer monitor, and cell phone exposure. I can recommend their use highly."
- Alan Post, Marina, CA
"I own a restaurant and work at least 14 hours a day and six days a week. I have experienced terrible headaches and back pain. I had been taking several aspirins a day for the past two years in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the pain. A few months ago, I felt that I was coming to the end of my rope. I was unable to work, and the pain had become excruciating... My first PULSOR® balancing lasted an hour, and I was extremely skeptical. After relaxing for 10 minutes, I was amazed that I could get up without pain. I was still not convinced as I climbed into my low sports car. Once again, when it came time to get out, I felt no pain! I also noticed that when I arrived at work a few minutes later that my energy level was much greater. Since that day, I have seen Sybil for balancing on a fairly regular basis... I am living proof that pain can be arrested in ways other than medication. My energy level remains high despite the long hours that I work. I hope that you will give PULSOR® balancing a try. It is safe, natural, and effective. It can work wonders in all areas of your body... I feel very confident in recommending it to others."
- L.R. California
"I have been using PULSOR® Angels for the past two years now and have observed the following: * Relief from pain when applied to specific areas * A feeling of increased energy after using them in ways described in Dr. George T. F. Yao's book * A perception of reaching deeper levels when used in conjunction with meditation techniques."
- A.D. Florida
"I will not go for a day without wearing the PULSOR® Delta Thunderbolts as I know how my energy level drops if I forget to wear them. We must wear PULSOR®...."
- B.T. Hawaii
"Since using the PULSOR®, my energy has been extended... Even at the end of the day, my energies are higher than before... I would never like to be without a PULSOR® on my body... At night I keep the PULSOR® Angels around my bed and will use them in different positions to relax and protect my body during the night. Also, I use the PULSOR® Vortex Energy Filter® in my office around my treatment area so that both the patient and myself benefit from the balanced energies."
- G.H. D.C. Virginia